This month’s ‘Brand Brigade’ superstar is Elizabeth Tiedemann! Elizabeth lives in Jacksonville, Florida, and has been a busy court reporter for the last 13 years. She recently discovered Expedite and reached out to us inquiring as to our roll-out plan for Jacksonville. “It’s such a great integration of need and technology and I would like to be a part of it in the early stages.” This was music to our ears as Elizabeth not only understands the opportunity Expedite presents for her, but the industry as a whole. She was so impressed with it, she signed on as an ambassador for the Jacksonville market!

Elizabeth attended Brown College of Court Reporting in Atlanta, Georgia, graduating in the fall of 2005. She decided to pursue court reporting primarily because of the flexibility it offers. She loves to travel for both work and pleasure. “Every day is a different story at a different location and this keeps reporting interesting.” Also, her grandfather was an attorney and he used to tell her some pretty hilarious and dramatic stories from his practice of law. This made an impression on Elizabeth as a child.

Elizabeth was a full-time staff reporter for 13 years, working out of Atlanta and then Destin, Florida. She moved to Jacksonville last September to be closer to her parents when she and her husband decided to start a family. She had been picking up work in Savannah, Georgia, as needed, when she could get four-to-five full-day jobs in a week throughout her pregnancy, but since moving to Jacksonville, she hasn’t reached out to any local firms just yet.
On May 9th, Elizabeth gave birth to son, Elliott, and embarked on one of the most exciting journeys in life! Congratulations!

Expedite launched on April 2nd, and it did not take long for word to spread throughout the state. Elizabeth was instantly drawn to its potential and explains, “What caught my interest with Expedite was that I could turn my availability on and accept jobs when I wanted to and then also meet more local attorneys, since I’m new to the area. Now that my little one is getting established, I would like to start taking jobs again soon.” We love feedback like this! Expedite was designed for those progressive business professionals who know how to capitalize on technology to work smarter rather than harder. Kudos, Elizabeth!!